STEM Drop-in Activity Stations(1st -5th Grade)

3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
HMMPL Zionsville Location
Mayfield North and South

Event Details

STEM Drop-in Activity Stations
Wed. Oct., 25 @ 3:30 PM - 6 PM
1st - 5th Grade
Mayfield and Lora Hussey Rooms

Stations will include: 3D Printing Demonstration, Snap Circuits, CODE Mouse, Boxels, Cubelets, Lego WeDo and more provided in partnership with Snapology of Indy - West.

  • Creature Creator Robotics: 4 Prebuilt robotics, children can code the robotics to move, make sound and change colors. 
  • Mini-Figure zip line: Students will have the goal to engineer an apparatus to safely get their mini figure down the zip line. 
  • Spin Art. Students will be about to create their own piece of art using prebuilt spirographs. 
  • KNex. Animals Scientist. Students will use Knex materials to build mammals , insects, crustaceans, reptiles and more. 

Adult guidance recommended for those new to independent station activities.

Event Type(s): Youth Programs, STEM Program, MakerStudio Z
Age Group(s): Youth (Birth - Grade 5)
Laura Gangstad

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