AARP Tax Preparation

9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
HMMPL Zionsville Location
Lora Hussey Room

Event Details

AARP is offering free tax help to patrons with low to moderate income, special attention to those 60 and older.  LIMITED SPACE, REGISTRATION REQUIRED, YOU MUST HAVE A RESERVATION. Those filing joint returns should only make one reservation; couples filing separately are asked to reserve different slots. Appointments can be made for any Thurs. starting Feb. 1st and ending on Apr. 4th. Appointments begin at 9:30AM and end at 1:30PM. 

AARP will meet with taxpayers and conduct a brief interview as taxpayers drop off relevant documents with AARP. Taxpayers will then wait in another area of the Library while AARP finishes preparing the returns. A short time later, taxpayers will reconvene with AARP to sign their documents and pick up their copy of the return.

Event Type(s): Adult Programs
Presenter: AARP

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